Hello Dear Students, welcome to Esho Seekhi. In this post we have discussed the solutions of WBBSE Class 7 English Model Activity Task Part 2 February 2022.
February 2022
Full Marks: 20
1. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow :
The king of kings, Emperor Akbar, who ruled over India was a great lover of arts, sciences, literature and music. One day, on a fine morning, he was walking in his vast garden. His garden was lined with trees that produced the tastiest and juiciest fruits in the whole kingdom. There were flowers of all shapes and sizes in his garden. He had his most trusted and favourite minister Birbal with him.
But the great Emperor Akbar did not have peace of mind, the quality without which no one, not even the king of kings, can appreciate beauty.
A. Tick the correct answer : 1 × 2 = 2
(i) Akbar was walking in his garden
(a) in the morning (b) at night (c) in the evening
Ans : (a) in the morning ✔
(ii) Birbal was Akbar’s
(a) enemy (b) brother (c) minister
Ans : (c) minister ✔
B. Answer the following questions : 3 × 2 = 6
(i) Who was Akbar?
Ans : Akbar is the king of kings, who ruled over India was a great lover of arts, sciences, literature and music.
(ii) How was the garden of Akbar?
Ans : The garden of Akbar was lined with trees that produced the tastiest and juiciest fruits in the whole kingdom. There were also flowers of all shapes and sizes in his garden.
(iii) What quality is required to appreciate beauty?
Ans : The peace of mind is required to appreciate beauty.
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বিভিন্ন প্রশ্নোত্তরের আলোচনার জন্য আমাদের টেলিগ্রাম গ্রুপ জয়েন করুন |
2. Do as directed : 1 × 5 = 5
(i) Last evening my mother and I were watching (watch) the news on the TV. (Fill in the blanks with Past Continuous Tense)
(ii) The garden of Akbar was more beautiful (beautiful) than most other gardens. (Fill in the blanks with the comparative degree of the adjective)
(iii) He took an umbrella but I forgot to take mine . (Fill in the blanks with Possessive Pronoun)
(iv) Mount Everest is the highest (high) mountain in the world. (Fill in the blanks with the superlative degree of the adjective)
(v) I am not so strong as you. (Rewrite the sentence using the antonym of the underlined word)
3. Write a story (in about 70 words) using the following outline. Give a suitable title to your story:
Outline: ass carrying a load of salt—falls into a stream by chance—load becomes light—next time master puts a load of cotton—falls into streams purposefully—result 7
Ans :
The Salt Merchant and his Ass
There lived a salt merchant in a village.He would use his ass to carry the load of salt on its back. One day the ass was carrying a load of salt in his back. Suddenly he fell into a stream by chance. He was trying to be smart. After falling into the stream the load becomes light. The master understood his game. Next time master puts a load of cotton in his back. The ass did the same game. He fell into streams purposefully. The result got back fire at him.
Moral : Don't be over smart
CLASS 7 Model Activity Task
February 2022 Part 1 All Links
February丨English Model Activity Task
February丨পরিবেশ ও বিজ্ঞান মডেল টাস্ক
February丨গণিত মডেল অ্যাক্টিভিটি টাস্ক
February丨ইতিহাস মডেল অ্যাক্টিভিটি টাস্ক
February丨ভূগোল মডেল অ্যাক্টিভিটি টাস্ক
February丨স্বাস্থ্য ও শারীরশিক্ষা মডেল টাস্ক
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Tags: WBBSE Class 7 English Model Activity Task Part 2 February 2022 Solutions, Model Activity Task Solutions English 2022, Class 7 English Model Activity Task February 2022, class 7 model activity task solutions part 2 2022, Model Activity Task Class 7 English February Month 2022, WBBSE Class 7 English Model Activity Task 2021 Answers, wbbse class 7 english model activity task part 2 2022, সপ্তম শ্রেণী ইংরেজি মডেল অ্যাক্টিভিটি টাস্ক ফেব্রুয়ারী 2022 সমাধান পার্ট 2
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